1. List the contact name, phone number, and organization of the person with whom you volunteered.
- Contact Name: Jade Vuong
- Phone Number: (626) 890-8974
- Organization: Los Angeles Public Library
2. What qualified this person as an expert in your topic choice?
- According to Blog 1, I did not choose accounting as my choice of topic. During the summer, I called a number of physical therapy places available to me and only Casa Colina responded to me. However, it is mandatory to attend an orientation in order to begin volunteering there and unfortunately, I was out of town on that orientation day. The next orientation day is in October which means I will not be able to start volunteering there until the school year. Because of this, I figured that maybe physical therapy wasn't meant to be, at least during the summer. I took this opportunity to try a topic I thought I would be good at, however I was not completely sure if I would enjoy it. This topic was accounting. My summer mentor was my mother, and she has been an accountant for more than 30 years, making her very qualified in this topic. She went into this career fresh out of school and has had a lot of experience in this field.
3. List three questions for further exploration now that you've completed your summer hours.
- What are the different types of field that demand for an interaction with people?
- Which other fields beside physical therapy allow for the interaction of children specifically?
- What are the skills needed to be able to have a good interaction with patients/people?
4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
- The most important thing I gained from this experience was the realization of how much I really would like to go into the medical field. During my summer mentorship, I realized that I would like to go into a field where I would not only be able to work with others, but have an impact on their lives as well. I learned that I will not be interested at all in the office type of career, but rather a hands-on type of career.
5. What is your senior topic going to be? How did mentorship help you make your decision? Please explain.
- My senior topic is going to be physical therapy. My mentorship definitely solidified my choice in doing physical therapy because of how much I want to have an interaction with others. I would really be interested in working with children and adolescents specifically, so I'm going to try to volunteer in pediatric physical therapy. If that does not work out, I am more than open with working with patients of any age and getting that experience to work and thoroughly enjoy it at the same time!
Link to Senior Project Hours Log: